Taking into account our leaders' climate policies that were in place in December 2019, we are heading towards an average global temperature rise of 3°C by the end of the century, with a significant chance that we could be hitting 4°C heating or more. We are currently at 1.1 °C. Every fraction of a degree matters.
Need we say more?
The whole world is getting hotter, and the rate of heating is increasing dramatically. Such temperatures have never been experienced by Homo sapiens before. We have no idea if our species can survive them. And that's to say nothing of all the other species we are destroying too.
YES!! Without a doubt!
“In just 100 years, fossil fuel use has more than undone 5000 years of natural cooling. It’s hotter now than any time in the history of human civilisation. We are catapulting ourselves out of the Holocene into uncharted territory. Current life on Earth is not adapted to this.” Stefan Rahmstorf, Professor of Physics of the Oceans at Potsdam University.
50% of our total emissions have occurred in the last 30 years - ie. since we knew about the damage they cause.
On top of these increasing natural disasters, Tipping Points and Feedback Loops will make this even worse:
“Tipping points are so dangerous because, if you pass them, the climate is out of humanity’s control: if an ice sheet disintegrates and starts to slide into the ocean there’s nothing we can do about that.”
Professor James Hansen, former Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
We don't know when the tipping points will happen.
Not very much!!
But it's worse than that......
They continue to support and fund new fossil fuel exploration.
They allow four millionaire crooks to control our media and keep the truth from us.
They massage the figures and turn a blind eye to all our air traffic emissions and all emissions on our imports.
Now they are trying to criminalise us for exercising our democratic right to lawful protest. #killthebill
Hear what Greta has to say about it:
It already is!
“There is a growing sense of panic in those who really understand what a 4°C world might be like.”
Even somewhere cool like the UK will have temperatures above 40°C every few years.
Around 50% of UK food comes from foreign imports, including about 70%-80% of fruit and vegetables.
Huge areas of land across the globe could become uninhabitable.
People will move on a massive scale. Hundreds of millions, probably billions, of people would have to migrate.
Where will they all go to?
Malaria and dengue fever will appear in new parts of the world. Anthrax may be released from melting permafrost.
“Climate change will lead to battles for food.”
The only way we can definitely avoid catastrophic and irreversible damage to our planet is if we reduce carbon dioxide emissions to zero before we reach the level of heating that would cause such changes. This leads to the concept of a “carbon budget” – the maximum amount of carbon dioxide we can emit over the whole century if we want to stay below the 1.5 degrees warming that the IPCC says might be safe.
Under our current emission rates we have six and a half years left until the whole world's carbon budget is gone.